
3rd June 2024

Struggle to hear at the pub? Why ‘cocktail party effect’ is ruining your night...


1st Nov 2023

Make Listening Safe Launch day starts with Sky News Interview with Stephen Wheatley...

Watch Stephens full interview from this morning.

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27th May 2023

One in four people in England will suffer from hearing loss by 2030...

Record number of under-50s lose hearing, NHS figures show - as one in four English people to by 2030 due to listening to music too loudly

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13th April 2023

Hearing aids could help cut the risk of dementia, study finds

Wearing hearing aids could help cut the risk of dementia, according to a large decade-long study, which suggests that tackling hearing loss early may help reduce the global burden of the disease.

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6th March 2023

Why the headphone generation are at risk of dementia


Most of us don’t think twice about booking an eye test if we’re struggling to see properly – but when it comes to problems with our hearing, we’re not quite so eager for a diagnosis. ...

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3rd March 2023

World Hearing Day: Why the NHS needs to offer a national hearing check


On World Hearing Day (Friday 3 March), we’re calling on the government to include a hearing check in the NHS Health Check, to help millions of people in the UK identify hearing loss earlier and potentially reduce their risk of developing dementia. 

Unaddressed hearing loss in midlife is the largest potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia, responsible for up to 8.2% of cases globally.  

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26th February 2023

RNID calls for NHS hearing tests because of the link with dementia