IAPA is an International Association of Medical Specialists for hearing and balance who’s aim it is to spread knowledge of best clinical practice, research, ethics and education in the field of hearing, tinnitus and balance.
We were formed in 1980 and have since collaborated across the globe to improve care for people of all ages.
Through our peer-reviewed scientific journal “Hearing, Balance and Communication” we enable people of all traits to benefit from each others knowledge.
We constantly improve what and how we do our honorary work and so embarked on the mission to achieve charitable status which will enable us to grow further.
As clinicians we often get asked on how people can safeguard their hearing and preserve their main mode of communication. Supporting this campaign is one way how we can help to improve hearing care and people to live better lives.
IAPA | International Association of Physicians in Audiology (iapa-audiovestibularmedicine.com)
People make decisions based on what they know. Specialists are multiplicators of knowledge by educating others through sharing best practice and up-to-date information. Supporting the ‘Make Listening Safe Campain’ as a professional body is the logical way to support everyone preventing hearing loss.
IAPA executive board